Asian Eyes Are Different
Dr. Raymond Fong Specializes in Vision Correction for Asian Eyes
At Raymond Fong Eye Care in NYC, Dr. Fong and his team are dedicated to providing high-quality eye care and vision correction solutions, including LASIK, ICL, and Cataract Surgery. We tailor our care to meet the unique needs of each patient, and we are highly experienced in caring for Asian patients. Every patient deserves the best care possible, and for patients of Asian descent, that means your eye doctor must be familiar with how to successfully perform vision correction procedures on Asian eyes. Dr. Fong has won the trust of Asian patients because he understands the needs of Asian eyes.
Eye Care for Asian Eyes
What makes Asian eyes different? When it comes to eye care for people of Asian descent, special considerations include:
- Eyelid Structure: Many Asian patients have a single eyelid crease or an epicanthal fold. For vision procedures, this can affect the surgical approach.
- Corneal Shape and Thickness: Asian eyes may have a slightly steeper and
Trusted Source Central Corneal Thickness Variances Among Different Asian Ethnicities in Glaucoma and Nonglaucoma Patients Badr M, Masis Solano M, Amoozgar B, Nguyen A, Porco T, Lin S Go to Source thinner cornea compared to other ethnicities. This is particularly important in refractive surgeries such as LASIK, where precise measurements and customized techniques are crucial for safety and effectiveness.
- Higher Prevalence of Certain Conditions:
Trusted Source Epidemiology of Pathologic Myopia in Asia and Worldwide,
Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology Yee-Ling Wong, Seang-Mei Saw Go to Source Studies have shown that conditions like myopia (nearsightedness) and angle-closure glaucoma are more prevalent among Asian populations. Our clinic is equipped with advanced diagnostic tools and treatment options to manage these conditions effectively.

LASIK for Asian Eyes
For Asian patients, choosing an experienced LASIK surgeon is important. When performing LASIK, the surgeon’s understanding of the specific corneal characteristics of Asian eyes can allow for more precise corrections, reducing the risk of complications and enhancing visual outcomes. Asian eyes often have a steeper and thinner cornea, which can influence the laser’s reshaping process.
Trusted Source
A 10-year prospective audit of LASIK outcomes for myopia in 37,932 eyes at a single institution in Asia
Yuen LH, Chan WK, Koh J, Mehta JS, Tan DT; SingLasik Research Group
Go to Source
Studies show
that with proper care, Asian patients can achieve successful LASIK results. By employing advanced diagnostic tools and offering tailored post-operative care, we ensure that Asian patients receive the highest level of care, so they can enjoy a better quality of life with improved vision.
Refractive Options
Schedule a FREE LASIK or EVO ICL Consultation Today!

1 Badr M, Masis Solano M, Amoozgar B, Nguyen A, Porco T, Lin S. Central Corneal Thickness Variances Among Different Asian Ethnicities in Glaucoma and Nonglaucoma Patients. J Glaucoma. 2019 Mar;28(3):223-230. doi: 10.1097/IJG.0000000000001180. PMID: 30624387.
2 Yee-Ling Wong, Seang-Mei Saw, Epidemiology of Pathologic Myopia in Asia and Worldwide,
Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology, Volume 5, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 394-402, ISSN 2162-0989, https://doi.org/10.1097/APO.0000000000000234
3 Yuen LH, Chan WK, Koh J, Mehta JS, Tan DT; SingLasik Research Group. A 10-year prospective audit of LASIK outcomes for myopia in 37,932 eyes at a single institution in Asia. Ophthalmology. 2010 Jun;117(6):1236-1244.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2009.10.042. Epub 2010 Feb 13. PMID: 20153899.